"We should not be defined by the smallness of our islands, but by the greatness of our oceans"
- Dr Epeli Hau'ofa
Are you 12 - 19 years old?
Need support and guidance to connect with your next learning steps?
Need help with essential learning related costs?
Kia orana, Noa’ia, Talofa lava, Mālō e lelei, Tālofa, Bula Vinaka, Kam na mauri, Fakaalofa lahi atu, Mālō ni, Tena koutou katoa & Warm Pacific Greetings!
Our Pacific families were amongst those severely impacted during Auckland's extended Delta lockdown in 2021. Now with the latest surge of COVID and Omicron cases running rampant within our communities, there are many challenges that have arisen as a result facing our Pasifika communities.
Recently our organisation partnered with the Ministry of Education to enable us to offer much needed support services to our Pacific learners at risk of disengaging with their learning.
Through this service we are able to offer;
Brokerage services to connect students with a school or education pathway that aligns with their aspirations
Advocacy, mentoring and career guidance sessions for students
Connect students and families with other social services agencies they may need
Assist with immediate and urgent needs to enable students to stay connected or reconnect with their learning (This could be in the form of a device, hop card, stationery, uniform or any urgent and reasonable cost that is a barrier for them and their families)
Simply.... the heart of this service is to support our Pasifika young people to stay connected or to reconnect with their learning so they can unlock their powerful potential and achieve their aspirations.
Jeremiah Tauti
Mana Connections
Connect with our Pacific students to provide brokerage support for students to engage with an education pathway that aligns with their career aspiration.
Assist students to meet their immediate and urgent needs to enable them to connect and stay connected with their learning journey;
This could be a laptop, hop card, stationery, uniform or any urgent and reasonable cost that is a barrier for them and their families
Provide pastoral care, mentoring and career guidance as building their confidence allows them to mentally and spiritually breakdown the barriers so they can see what is possible.
This initiative focusses on supporting our young Pasifika 12 – 19 year olds who have identified they are;
Unsure about returning back to school or a learning pathway in 2022 and needing some advice and support
Have left school without a learning pathway that will support their career aspirations
Working to support their families but do want support to connect with a learning pathway
Students needing help with essential learning costs to stay connected or get connected with an educational pathway that will support their aspirations.
Get in touch using the contact form provided and we will endeavour to get back to you within 24hrs of receiving your message.
We look forward to connecting with you soon.